Factory Introduction
Enagic is an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Take a tour of our meticulous process for crafting our quality machines.
The factory
Machine Installation & Maintenance
These videos will help you install your machine and learn how to maintain it at peak performance!
How to install the adapters for popular faucet types.
Connecting your machine to the prepared faucet.
How to operate your machine.
How to replace the filter in your machine.
How to E-Clean your machine
How to E-Clean your K8 machine
How to install and where to purchase the Inline Diverter
How to properly prepare, pack and ship your K8 to Enagic for service.
Learn how to change the filter cartridges on the Anespa DX
Why it is necessary to maintain your machine on a regular basis
It is necessary to maintain your machine on a regular basis in order to sustain its maximum effectiveness. The important steps for machine maintenance include:
- Regular e-cleaning twice a month in hard water areas
- Deep cleaning once a year
- Running beauty water daily for 3-5 minutes
- Running the cleaning cycle after running strong acidic water and strong Kangen Water
The results of severely neglecting maintenance:
Calcified plates from severely neglecting maintenance

Stripped plates from severely neglecting maintenance

The correct process for using the E-Cleaner
Watch the video How to clean your machine - Step by Step Instructions, or follow the steps from below:
- First turn off the machine
- Remove the filter from the machine and place the CPU (cleaning powder unit) in the machine where the filter was.
- Pour one packet of e-cleaner powder into the CPU and close the top.
- Run the water for approximately 10 seconds or about 1 liter.
- Put both hoses into a cup or pitcher.
- Run the water until the ends of both hoses are submerged in water.
- Let the machine soak for 5-8 hours or overnight.
- Rinse the machine by running water for 10-15 minutes with the CPU still in place.
- Stop the water and remove the CPU and put your filter back in.
(When storing your CPU don't store it wet with the lid on, allow it to completely dry.)
For optimal results, you will need to do an E-cleaning regularly and deep cleaning twice a year. This will ensure maximum effectiveness and yield the best results for your Kangen Water®.
Behold the Power of the E-Cleaner!
A reusable cleaning unit with cleaning powder for 24 cleanings. Purchase E-Cleaner online.
ALWAYS allow the machine to clean itself after making strong acidic water to prevent this highly acidic substance from soaking on the plates. If this happens repeatedly without proper maintenance, the plates can eventually become damaged. After making strong acidic water, change back to drinking water and run water through the machine until it goes back into Kangen mode.
Like anything else, care is essential to ensuring the best performance and longevity of your machine. Protect your investment by taking the simple steps in properly maintaining all of your Kangen Water® ionization systems.